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Freelancing as a software developer to fund game development

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22 comments, last by Beosar 5 years, 4 months ago

No, I'm not putting money or much effort into marketing. I am waiting for my graphics designer to animate some of the models first, then create a better trailer and then I can start marketing it.

I have no idea what Valve changed. They do not answer my support ticket, neither do they answer to a 400+ post thread or any other support ticket. There is a developer that made somewhat between $250,000 and $500,000, estimated based on the number of reviews, and even they are not getting any response from Valve.

I did not get much traffic from search results. I am probably not allowed to tell you where the traffic came from (NDA), but I can say that a large chunk of the traffic came from one source and that one has dropped significantly.

1 minute ago, Magogan said:

No, I'm not putting money or much effort into marketing. I am waiting for my graphics designer to animate some of the models first, then create a better trailer and then I can start marketing it.

I have no idea what Valve changed. They do not answer my support ticket, neither do they answer to a 400+ post thread or any other support ticket. There is a developer that made somewhat between $250,000 and $500,000, estimated based on the number of reviews, and even they are not getting any response from Valve.

I did not get much traffic from search results. I am probably not allowed to tell you where the traffic came from (NDA), but I can say that a large chunk of the traffic came from one source and that one has dropped significantly.

Well that's unfortunate, sorry to hear you're having this problem.

For future reference, once your game is polished I would strongly suggest you create a marketing plan and have a fund ready. I wouldn't count on sales by just placing a title on a platform without generating exposure. That exposure could be a mix of marketing, reviews, endorsements, ect... If you manage to get sales because Steam or whoever has an agreement for some form of 3rd party lead generation, then so be it, but I would put every dollar I made back into marketing if possible until sales were coming in a good rate to supplement marketing costs then adjust.

You're going to have to find someway to fund your project. This means you're going to be putting in a lot of hours to generate potential projects if you decide to go freelance as a way of funding, but this is how it works when you go into business for self. @Hodgman has suggested excellent examples. At the end of the day you're going to have to put in a lot of ground work to get the contracts if you're already not established. I would second looking into the app market... I've made some good money making apps for businesses in the past, so it might still be a viable option.

Maybe just sit down and pick something you're very good at, and I'll use "app development" in this example. Create a good online profile, get on social media and start posting about what you do and the benefits regarding your services. Try the old fashion cold calling, or walk into businesses and sell companies on the benefits in having an app done. Take advantage of any free exposure you can get as well. You should also look at making a portfolio of sample apps.

Don't forget about 'Social Networking Events' ! There are a lot of small business meetups and other various events. These are perfect for building up a network and potential clients. :) I have a friend that lives and dies by these events... all his business is generated from those connections and referrals that come from the people in his network.

Depending on your day/night job, it might be better to pick up extra hours, or a side job to fund your game if you're unable to get contracts freelancing. Either way you'll need to fix your funding issue because once your game is polished you'll need funds ready for marketing.

Give it some time, you'll find a way. :) 

Programmer and 3D Artist

I second that you totally have to go meet people in the industry. In person. There are meetups, there are conferences. Go there, talk to people, try to sell them yourself. For example in the capitals of Central Europe, there's plenty of studios desperately looking for developers of all kinds. There's a lack of staff. Hopping on another studio's project for half a year on 3/4-time or so, as a contractor, isn't an option?

Could you elaborate on how you were operating and living month-to-month before what happened on Steam?

Well, I have some savings which I use to pay for my living. But there is not very much left.

I have been working on the game full-time for about 16 months without pay and I was trying to find people who help me with graphics and animations for free (revenue share) until it sells better. I have found some, but they don't have much time because they have jobs.

The graphics designer and animator I found is talented, but he hasn't worked in the industry for a long time and now it takes him some time to learn things. I'm waiting for an animated model of a raptor for two months now, I expected it to take at most one month, so I missed out on some potential revenue there, especially in the Weeklong Deal (33% off) during which the game should have already had a better trailer and some animations.

It seems people actually like the game though, in the last 5-6 weeks I haven't had a single refund and it has 70% positive reviews (7 out of 10 reviews). I see potential for it to be successful. If I manage to finish it, it could even sell millions of times. But I have to finish it first. It is a matter of time - if I have to, I can very easily find a job and finish the game in my spare time, but this is not what I want to do because this will delay everything by years.

Well, that's a hard position. I reckon you've already looked at all the online market places (Upwork, Guru, etc). 'Bigger' game jobs don't come every day but sometimes they do. Keep looking. You sure realise that doing a random anonymous 'freelance' outsourcing job won't necessarily be less time consuming than contracting on-site or off-site work for a 'serious' company. Possibly but you'll compete with cheap labour from around the world. I'm out of advices, good luck, man!

I’ve done some freelancing in my spare time, and what I noticed is that none of the best contracts Ive had were contracts that I have “applied” for, but rather invitations from companies who found my profile and liked my portfolio.

i don’t know if that’s a typical thing, but that’s my experience. Either way, you probably want to start building a portfolio if you would like to get into freelancing.

Another thing that I noticed:

It was waaaaay easier to find a job during my time in Australia. Not so much luck in Germany for me personally. I’m not sure if it’s because the market is perhaps smaller here, or if it was simply because of a generally more “strict” attitude here... (I don’t have a degree, just a portfolio.)

5 minutes ago, Fulcrum.013 said:

Really border betwin science researches and engineering practicle can be strictly determined anywere but software development. In any other fields scientists researching field to determine common field lows and describe it in mathematically,  while engineers using its mathematical models to solve practical tasks. But on software development any project begun from mathematical figuring of tasks and researching methodologies to compute it, and generaly it can not be done separately from project context. It why software development is a kind of both science and engineering same time.

Pleesae quitt deralling therds.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


but I also need to work as much as possible to earn money.

From the original post: get a job. I know so many people that work at game companies and still go home at night to work/fund their personal projects. I know 4 coworkers plus myself do this.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

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