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Victorian era province names

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6 comments, last by Acharis 10 years, 6 months ago

A game about industrial revolution, XIX century, victorian era. I need some in theme names for provinces (regions of your country), these can't be historical. I supposed, since the whole victorian era thing has mostly British feel the names should sound Britishlike as well?

Anyway, I always have trouble making up any sort of names so I could use some help here. Also, if you have general tips how to make up names, I am all ears :)

I need:

- list of up to 30 province names (for the country the player runs)

- list of 4-6 western country names (I suppose these should sound non British?)

- list of 4 exotic country names (like India, China, big places from where you get spice from)

- list of 10-20 uncivilized & primitive country names (some tribes you exploit via colonization)

Again, I don't want to use real historical names, yet I want them to "feel" a bit similar (in term of function).

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube


I have noticed that, for some mysterious reason, the more details I give the less responses I recieve :) OK, forget the first post, I want something similar to these (but sounding a bit better maybe):

- Blackshire

- Cornhills

- ...

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube










If you want mostly surnames (which i figured cornhills and blackshire sounds like then how about this)








Grandolla (Actually a real victorian surname. not used historically though)







Hope this helps

Perhaps you could write a name generator for each type of name, such that the set of names used will be different each game?

It could be very simple. For example, you could make a big list of words (or endings and such) and then just combine them randomly. Experiment until you no longer get names that look wrong.

Eg. With the province names, you could list english words (like corn, hill, black, shire as in your example), possibly add in an ending (s) and then run some checks to make sure they are not impossible to spell. With foreign country names, you can just throw together a couple of random letters and be done with it.


For example, you could make a big list of words
The whole problem is I have no clue what words would fit :) That's the whole purpose (and question) of this topic. How to make a province name (of what words to make it) that sounds like victorian era.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Well, start by looking at what actually happened during the XIXth century. Places were (re)named by the settlers after either prominent figures (eg. Queen Victoria, Princess Alberta, Prince Edward, Queen Consort Adelaide, Prime Minister Melbourne, the Duke of Wellington), the settler's original homes (eg. Brunswick, York, Hampshire, Jersey, East London, often with a 'New' prefix), or anglicized Native or historic names (Ontario, Quebec, Montreal, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Durban).

So, following that trend, try making a back story with the names of some prominent figures and original place names, then use them as roots for place names. Also, generate some non-English syllabic combinations to use as 'native' names.

You can use a historical source to generate names. Real historical place names can be reused in a game -- they're not under copyright. Writing a name generator is fun.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

I have done something similar recently for a game, and also for a story. It is not easy as you have found.

What I did to create the game world was to create an origin legend which is the basis for everything. It was 1-2 pages, nothing massive, just enough to really nail down the vibe of the story.

Then I based the main land masses on characters in the story, and based some some cities and mountain ranges on it too.

Then, and here is the key to both my game and story worlds, I found a public domain source to seed the vibe of the names. For the story I used wikipedia entries about Middle ages Bohemia and tweaked some of the names and storylines. For the game I used this:


and combined some of the words to make archaic sounding place names.

Here is an interesting seed possibility for you with a built-in joke: Place names around Victoria, Australia:


You could warp most of these pretty easily.

Or perhaps think about an alternate past, maybe a reduction in birth rates from some calamity, or the crimean war turning out differently, and incorporate that into existing place names.

Hmmm, so most people suggested writing a backstory...

You can use a historical source to generate names. Real historical place names can be reused in a game
Hmm, these are a bit too well known. I mean, the player will know it's a British real province and it could break the immersion... I think.

Maybe there is some technique that allows "altering" these so these are different yet feel natural (suffix/prefix/or something else maybe)?

What I did to create the game world was to create an origin legend which is the basis for everything. It was 1-2 pages, nothing massive, just enough to really nail down the vibe of the story.
If that's not secret, could you drop me that backstory? It would be an interesting read (I assume you wrote it just for yourself and not to include it directly inside the game?)

Here is an interesting seed possibility for you with a built-in joke: Place names around Victoria, Australia:


You could warp most of these pretty easily.
LOL, actually like half of these fit :) If you came across something similar/more of these please drop a link.

I would also be interested in reverseengineering your way of thinking that lead to finding this list.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

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